Overwatch tracer porn
Overwatch tracer porn

overwatch tracer porn

Be wary of diving into large groups to try and kill a target, unless you have Pulse Bomb ready, as a full enemy team can quickly turn and kill you before you can Recall or Blink to safety. Try to find single targets that are separated from their team and take them out.Tracer's mobility isn't unlimited if she doesn't spare her Blink uses, she can put herself in severe danger.If you manage to fight the dps-heroes, you have to Blink to their blind spot to fight or flank them from behind when they are unaware that you are coming. Your top priorities should be support heroes Tracer's high mobility and powerful gunfire make her a very strong counter to most supports and defense heroes that have low mobility.Take advantage of Tracer's speed to travel rapidly through side routes so that you can get behind your opponents before attacking.Tracer can only deal good damage when close to her enemies, as opposed to other Assault heroes like Soldier: 76, and she lacks durability. When playing Tracer, do your best to avoid fighting your opponents head-on.Tracer's Pulse Bomb can eliminate a target just by being struck if they're at extremely low health, though this is not an effective strategy.Avoid being killed by your own ultimate by activating Recall or Blink to escape from the blast.The combination of these ultimates will usually wipe out the majority of an enemy team and severely damage their tanks. Pulse Bomb synergizes very well with abilities such as Zarya's Graviton Surge.A common ability combination to safely bomb a target is to use Blink to get in close, toss the bomb on them, and then Recall to get back out of danger.Pulse Bomb is devastating on clustered groups or static defenses, like Bastion in Sentry mode.Note that this explosion will also damage Tracer. After a short delay, the bomb explodes, dealing a heavy amount of damage to enemies in a small area around the bomb. Otherwise, the bomb will stick to the first solid surface it lands on. If it impacts an enemy, it will stick to that enemy. When activated, Tracer tosses her bomb forwards a short distance. Pulse Bomb (Ultimate): Tracer's Ultimate ability.Recall has a short animation that plays when activated, during which time Tracer is invulnerable and invisible.Recall is mainly used to restore Health, but it can also be useful for escaping: jump off a ledge, wait for an enemy to follow you, and then Recall back up the ledge.It will also reload her gun and remove all debuffs from her. Recall: When activated, Tracer will "rewind" to three seconds in the past, setting her health and position to whatever they were at that time, unless her health value is lower than it was before activating the ability.Use the Blink in combination with Recall and don't waste all its charges without a backup plan. Blink still has a limit Tracer needs to wait around 3 seconds to gain 1 charge for it.Multiple Blinks can be chained back-to-back, allowing Tracer to travel across gaps that normally can't be crossed with just her jump.This allows Tracer to move unpredictably: she can Blink past an enemy to attack their back, or Blink to the side to dodge an enemy's attacks.Blink teleports Tracer a short distance in the direction she's currently moving. Blink: Tracer's most important ability.The fast fire-rate means that Tracer has to react quickly if a situation arises that necessitates that she stop firing, such as when Genji activates Deflect or Zarya uses either of her Barriers.With the fast fire-rate, it is recommended not to stop in mid-use, even if it will recover the weapons's spreading.The large spreading and very fast fire-rate mean that she has to get close to the enemy as much as possible to track their movement. The shots from Pulse Pistols need to aimed well.These pistols have a large cone of fire and heavy damage falloff, making them ineffective beyond short-range engagements. Her primary fire rapidly shoots both pistols, dealing heavy damage. Pulse Pistols: Tracer's primary weapon.

overwatch tracer porn

Her low base Health and lack of regenerating shields means that she must make good use of Blink and Recall to avoid or reverse damage. Tracer can quickly traverse a map with the use of Blink to outflank her enemies, deal damage to them, and then retreat before they have a chance to respond. Her mobility and high single-target damage makes her excellent at picking key targets with very low risk. Tracer is a close-range skirmishing hero who specializes in speed and single-target damage. Toting twin pulse pistols, energy-based time bombs, and rapid-fire banter, Tracer is able to "blink" through space and rewind her personal timeline as she battles to right wrongs the world over.

Overwatch tracer porn